There were mere weeks before the first day of school and over 2000 kids in grades 1-4 needed to be able to continue their math classes despite the pandemic. Lisa, an instructional designer, had a remote learning curriculum ready, but her LMS wasn’t delivering it according to her vision. She wondered how to ensure that teachers and students would be able login and find their way to today’s material without help, and also how to get students placed in the correct class with the correct instructor in LearnDash without spending dozens of hours on data entry and manually transferring students between classes as the school year started.
Lisa’s school district uses Clever for rostering and sign-on, so we decided to build an integration between LearnDash and Clever to import the students, teachers and school administrators as WordPress users grouped by school, grade and classroom in LearnDash Groups, mirroring Clever’s hierarchy. We created our own open source LMS sync app for Clever and negotiated with them to get it accepted into the Clever app library in time for the beginning of classes. We created a dashboard for instructors to use at the beginning of the day to orient themselves on their students’ progress through the material on the platform.
Lisa’s LMS had a reporting system that allowed teachers to see detailed information about each student and their progress. However, it was necessary to click through to each student profile individually instead of being able to see the whole picture for a class of students at once. To solve this, we created a custom reporting system that showed teachers the exact information they needed at a glance without requiring them to click through various options to find what they needed.