Custom integration gives Uncanny Automator coupon capabilities

We extended Uncanny Automator’s Easy Digital Downloads integration to enable powerful coupon-based automations.
  • Custom integrations
  • E-commerce

Coupon conundrum
The Problem

Uncanny Automator makes it a breeze to configure automations without needing to rely on third-party systems like Zapier that don’t have access to enough of your WordPress data. While it’s one of the most powerful automation systems for WordPress, the available integrations sometimes fall short. The Easy Digital Downloads integration, for example, only includes four possible triggers and no actions, meaning that no behavior on the site can natively trigger any action in EDD. Luckily, when a client needed the ability to automatically generate coupon codes, Uncanny Owl’s thorough developer documentation enabled our team to build a cost-effective custom integration.

Custom integration
The Solution

The coupon creation form in Easy Digital Downloads has plenty of options, from the discount code and amount to settings that limit user-specific coupon use and expiry parameters. The Uncanny Automator integration needed to have all these fields along with the ability to set each field dynamically based on data gathered previously in the Automator recipe. The to Uncanny Automator’s developer-friendly architecture, adding all these options were added quickly, even those that the client didn’t need today but might be nice to have in the future. The end result was a powerful automated EDD coupon creation form with maximum flexibility at minimal cost.

This image is showing the form to create a discount for customers to use on checkout.
The coupon creation form in Easy Digital Downloads included lots of options, all of which needed to be available (with dynamic inputs!) inside Uncanny Automator.
The image is showing the setup of a discount coupon for Easy Digital Downloads, which requires the user to select relevant downloads and set a discount amount.
With our custom Uncanny Automator integration, dynamically generating a coupon code based on some action on the site is now easy while still having all the flexibility of the native coupon form.
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If you’re ready to build a scalable, fully-featured LMS or simply need support to bring your current platform to the next level, Tangible has the right people for the job. Every site is unique, so give us a call to find out how we can help.
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